The Blog's Alive

How hard is it to keep a blog updated? Well, it turns out, quite hard.

When I first created this website, I told myself I'd write at least once a month. How hard could it be? I never expected how busy I would get.

The past year has gone fast. Here’s the highlight reel: I launched a storage company (not my own company, but you know…) I wrote about sea cucumbers and kooky furniture and I spent a wonderful 10 months as Freelance Creative Director at US megastar agency Crispin Porter Bogusky.


In my spare moments, I've been playing a LOT of chess. And not blogging. My rating has gone from 800 to 1200 (that’s pretty good, but about 2000 points off a grandmaster, which I will never be) (2023 edit - Now rated 1550). I was hoping to play in my first tournament in Frome, England, this May. Unfortunately, Coronavirus has seen that idea off.

But I am really enjoying the mental challenges and stimulation from what I call a 'healthy hobby'. I've noticed other benefits from getting better at chess, too. I've always been terrible at remembering directions, numbers, etc. But since I've developed as a chess player, I've noticed a marked improvement. I'm considering starting a chess blog to note my learnings and my path... But hey, let's try to keep this one updated first.

So perhaps it was playing chess that reminded me about this blog. And here I am, writing, determined that now Coronavirus has seen off a lot of marketing activity, I will be here more often!
